DDR in Sudan: Too Little, Too Late? (HSBA Working Paper 24)
DDR in Sudan: Too Little, Too Late? takes a critical look at the ongoing DDR programme in Sudan. It reviews the historical background of the programme as well as the key players working to implement it. It examines the programmatic design from a technical perspective and reviews progress to date as well as some of the noteworthy implementation challenges faced. It then examines the DDR programme at both the technical and the strategic levels in an attempt to assess whether its objectives are being achieved. Finally, the paper reflects on current efforts at and requirements for improving the programme, and speculates on the future of DDR in Sudan in 2011 and beyond.
It is important to note that this Working Paper is based on research and interviews conducted in September 2010, with relevant figures updated as of January 2011. The study does not address later developments related to the December 2010 Integrated United Nations DDR (IUNDDR) Unit review of the DDR programme or the UN Development Programme (UNDP) audit initiated in September 2010.
Also available in ARABIC.
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